Our philosophy is “by people for people”. This means that personally knowing our producers, shippers and traders is very important to us, as is building and sustaining a relationship of trust with them. These close relationships not only give us a better understanding of the markets in which we operate but also a very clear idea of the distinctive features of goods, i.e. where they come from, what they feel, smell and taste like, where and why they are used – in a word, what makes them as special and unique as they are. In the course of our cooperation with traders in many different countries, we have developed a keen sense for goods that are produced with love and also for the dynamics of local markets. Depending on the cultural context, we make relevant adjustments where required, always ensuring that the soul of the product remains intact. We are convinced that these close and hence strong business relations give us a decisive competitive advantage and an invaluable basis of trust in the turbulent waters of international markets.

SGI’s business approach is based on typically Swiss virtues: whether we discover and actively promote a new product on our own or in our capacity as export / import (EMC) company, our business conduct  invariably draws on the following three fundamental principles:

  • Efficiency to a degree that reflects the standard of a Swiss quality watch
  • Transparency in relation to all involved partners as a basis for achieving goals in the most effective way
  • Flexibility to ensure rapid reaction to current events and developments